Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer Comfort on a Budget | Cut Bad Debts

Budgets aren?t impervious to seasonal changes. No matter how stringent we are with the way our monthly income is allocated, the fact is that expenses can change with the seasons as your spending habits fluctuate.

A summertime squeeze on finances can easily happen for many families. With the kids out of school, there?s more time for sports, camp and other costly activities, and rising temperatures also increase the price of keeping your home cool and comfortable. But summer doesn?t necessarily have to be a season of extra expenses. By being a little resourceful during warm months, you can save money and stay well within your budget.

Conserve energy use in the home

If it?s really hot out, it?s tough to forego air conditioning. But there are other areas where you can sacrifice the use of electricity to soften the blow of summertime utility bills. With the sun setting later in the day, it should be easy to spend the majority of each day using sunlight instead of light bulbs. And on days where the heat is tolerable, but not crushing, fans can circulate air and provide a cooling breeze in lieu of expensive air conditioning.

Take advantage of free entertainment

When the weather is nice, many local parks and other organizations host free family entertainment events. Activities could include movies in the park, parades, free outdoor concerts or other events provided as a form of community service. Free community events make it easy for your family to enjoy the outdoors while keeping your spending in check.

Replace bottled water with filtered water

If you prefer to purchase bottled water instead of drinking straight from the tap, you?re not alone. Many consumers are worried about the contaminants they might consume when drinking the water that flows through the home in aging pipes. But with the high cost of bottled water?especially when the expense adds up over time?most families could save hundreds of dollars by investing in a water filter. Some filters attach directly onto your water faucet and refrigerator water filters allow ease of use by filtering huge quantities of water before needing to be replaced.

Stay close-to-home on summer vacations

The summer season is a big one for tourism?the kids are out of school and any destination you choose in the Northern Hemisphere is likely experiencing its most accommodating weather. But if you think you have to go far away to enjoy a relaxing, entertaining vacation, take a second look. You?ll likely find a great destination closer to home than you might think. If this allows you to trade in plane tickets for a family car ride, the savings could be huge. You can put that money toward other expenses, tuck it away into savings or?if you?re feeling bold?invest in a second vacation.

In order to save money, a lot of people feel like they have to compromise and sacrifice. In some cases that may be true, but plenty of steps can be taken to cut down on consumption and spending without giving up basic desires. The summer is a great time to take advantage of the favorable weather and cut your spending to a minimum. Don?t look at it as a compromise, think of it as a change in direction. You?re saving money, but you?re learning to live a more resourceful, cost-effective life.


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